Posts Tagged wrist locks

wrist locks video problems

I don't mean to make fun of fellow martial artists. And I am not sure whether this bit of joint-locking wisdom is funny or sad ... But to be frank, p

martial-arts articles, Uncategorized

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Joint Locks in Law Enforcement

Do Joint Locks Work in Law Enforcement is the title of an article by Loren Christensen. Most of the article deals with objections to the practical-app

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Solo Wrist Locks

Solo Wrist Locks

Sure, you can practice many aspects of martial arts and more specifically, self-defense, solo. But do keep in mind, if you want to get good, I mean re

martial-arts articles, Uncategorized

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distracting in a fight

Martial-Arts Distractions and The Ways of Attack This article will teach you a response to a lapel grab, why spitting might not be your best course o

martial-arts articles, Uncategorized


Can you learn fighting from ebooks?

Can you learn fighting from ebooks?

Can you learn to fight from an ebook? Good question. Apparently, one "unsubscriber" feels that you can't. He thought that my articles were "v

martial-arts articles, Uncategorized


Martial Arts Video War

Martial Arts Video War

As a test, I recently sent out two martial-arts videos to subscribers of two of my other lists. One video was 15 minutes long; the other was a 3-minu

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attacked at a bar

Imagined That You Are Attacked at a Bar .... This was the topic of discussion in several articles in Martial Arts Mastery, Issue #530. We talked

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Wrist Locks Article (Humor) . If you are wondering why I didn't also write 8 Reasons to Wrist Lock at Hanukkah, it's because even with the Shammas

martial-arts articles, Uncategorized

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joe lewis martial arts article

joe lewis martial arts article

Joe Lewis Interview Excerpts, Good and Bad Yesterday, I was rereading the August 1997 issue of Black Belt Magazine. In particular, I found an an inte

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Wrist Locks Old and New

Wrist Locks Old and New

Can you believe it -- the first edition (out of print) of Wrist Locks is selling for more than $200!!! I just don't understand. The old edition onl


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