Special Secret Offer
Congratulations! You found this site’s “Hidden Mickey.” Here’s an offer you’ll want to grab, now! (Warning! This secret deal really could vanish at any time.)
[order_box_1 width=”70%” + border=”2px”]Note: This epackage typically retails for more than double everywhere else. (Take a look.)
Take advantage of this super-secret price. You’ll kick yourself if you don’t.
[/order_box_1][headline_georgia_medium_left color=”#0000cc”]Getting Good At Martial Arts and Self-Defense Takes Practice[/headline_georgia_medium_left]
You know it, and I know it. The really great fighters put in a lot of time practicing … techniques, timing, distance, strategy, etc.
All of that skill perfection takes motivation … and a lot of it. Right?
If Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt doesn’t skyrocket your martial-arts-motivation level, then nothing will.
Even if you’re a couch potato, or love nothing better than spending time with your eyes glued to your computer or smart phone … this ebook will solve all your martial arts motivation problems.
Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt
How to make sure you have exciting goals for martial improvement — without them, you’ll be training blind, so to speak
Add precision to your martial-arts moves with these SIX, important steps — guaranteed to end that helpless feeling that you’ll always be too lazy to train
A little punching here and some kicking there will not get you to the level of a master or expert. You need to develop laser focus. Here’s how.
Are you in a martial arts class? Here are 7 tips for outside-of-class practice that will help you soar above your classmates. They’ll wonder if you’re taking private lessons that they don’t know about.
FANTASTIC ways to solve the problem of paying for instruction — you’ll go from studying solo to your first lessons from skilled martial artists.
13 proven tactics for time management when it comes to martial arts training
7 tips and tricks for for finding the balance between work, family and training
My personal advice on how to train with minimal or even no martial arts equipment — no more excuses!
Do you have a difficult schedule? Now you’ll be able to fit in martial arts classes
Need an interested and motivated practice partner? Here’s how to find someone “of quality” (Don’t waste your time with flakes.)
REVEALED! The hidden truth behind finding instruction in a small town when there is only one martial arts school and it’s “not right” for you. If you live in a rural area or small town, you have to read this section of the ebook.
A quick shift in perspective, so you can find sparring partners you can trust
Let Me Help You with Your Martial-Arts Motivation
Reading this easy-to-understand ebook will be like sitting in a chair across from me.
What topics would you like to discuss?
The following sections of the epackage (comes with two bonuses) will help you get the oomph to acquire new skills and build your expertise to a higher level:
End partner laziness with this simple strategy; without it … uh … oh, well!
Rev up punching practice with a partner — quickly develop more speed and power with these suggestions
If you’re punching on your own and not making progress, this ebook can help
How to find the perfect school for you in your area — going beyond Google — even if the teacher doesn’t advertise
What action to take when you feel like quitting. Use this remedy when learning has slowed to a snail’s pace. This is the cure for the problem that plagues just about everyone studying solo.
How to find the “intrinsic” (inner) motivation to keep going … and going … and going.
[order_box_1 width=”60%” + border=”4px”]One reader wrote saying that no book or teacher can truly motivate a martial-arts student to learn. I want to prove him wrong with this ebook and my advice to you in the questions that are answered.[/order_box_1]
In this brand new ebook, you’re also going to discover:
Ways to create the drive to push forward. Break through roadblocks in your training
How to find an martial-arts teacher who motivates you … and yes, one good guide can make all of the difference.
‘Your’ mindset to stay in the martial arts for the long haul, in spite of relationships, school, and so on. Martial arts for the rest of your life! No thoughts of dropping out, ever again.
How to get yourself to the dojo. Do you make excuses?
What to do when you are just too tired to train. I’ve had days like that, how about you?
A guaranteed way to beat procrastination in the martial arts. It’s scary how well this tip works. (Are you afraid to try it, because then you’ll have to …???)
Suggestions and solutions to keep your interest going and fight boredom (Boredom Busters — Pop! Bam! Ka-rr-unch!)
Get more martial-arts speed in your training, and make speed training fun
How to maintain the excitement to practice the same move over and over … and over.
What to do if you want to train constantly and can’t … let’s talk moderation. (Now, you’re super-motivated. Yikes — I’ve created a monster.)
The answer to “letting yourself go” in the years after earning a black belt (35 pounds heavier? Uh, oh.)
Where other like-minded practice partners are hanging
How to practice each time … with focused intent
“Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt” is such a bargain at $27 $12
[features_box_red width=”75%” + border=”2px”]This is an electronic book (e-book) that can be downloaded to your computer easy-peasy. Which means you can be reading it and discovering all these amazing secrets in as little as 5 minutes from now.[/features_box_red]
Click To Order
Imagine what the right motivation will help you achieve. Just think about it for a few seconds.
And don’t worry, if for any reason you’re not happy with the content, you have a complete guarantee to protect your ($12) investment….

Hey, you’re my customer. And if you’re not happy, it looks bad on me.
So if you’re not happy with what you discover from “Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt: Motivation For Martial Artists” I don’t expect … or want … to keep your money. Just simply whip off an email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I’d be embarrassed to keep it).
But … the e-book is yours to keep no matter what, as a “thank you” gift from me!
Okay? So you really can’t lose! The e-book’s yours no matter what.
That’s about as fair as it gets, don’t you agree?
You can’t leave this page empty handed, can you?
For a mere $39.95 $27, $12 … you’re getting the answers you need.
Just imagine being able to supercharge yourself with martial-arts motivation … in just a few minutes … ebook (AND BONUSES) downloaded to you right away.
Wishing you great success.
Keith Pascal
P.S. Don’t forget, the $12 offer is for a limited time only with this secret link. It could vanish at any time.
You have to meet me half way. This is a great price, but the next move is yours to make. This is exactly what you need to get started in actually getting yourself in motion to improve your martial arts practice, whether you procrastinate, don’t have the time, or don’t know the best course of action. So, if that’s what you want to do, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
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$12 (for a limited time)