My First Kindle eBook

I’m so proud: Tiptoeing to Tranquility: The Parable for Finding Safety and Comfort in Dangerous Times is now available on as an ebook.

They call it a Kindle ebook, but realistically, it can be read on just about any computer, handheld, pad, or mobile phone … or so they say. All reader apps are free, of course, so you can start reading quickly and easily.

So, why is this so exciting for me?

Tiptoeing is a great parable, a fun read … but because of postage and handling, the soft cover edition cost is upwards of $17 to get the book into your hands.

Now, with Tiptoeing being available as an instant download from, you can get it for less than a quarter of that ($3.99, as of this post).

And you can be reading it in under a minute, WOW.

As I said, it’s very exciting to be able to reach so many more people, and help them end the feeling of fear and danger that they have while out and about in their town or city.

I’ll post more about the story, a little later.

Read a tale that will keep your loved ones more secure, help you to stay safe, and introduce you to Sam … a calm and very nice martial-arts master:

Tiptoeing to Tranquility on Kindle

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