Knife Fighting Throws During a Fight

Knife Fighting -- Throw During the Fight by Keith Pascal What would you do, if your attacker dodged the throw of your weapon at him or her? If y
Hidden Gems of Martial Arts
Blackberry Self-Defense? (This post will concern you, I can almost promise. Give it a chance.) No, this doesn't have anything to do with a hand-
Knife Fighting -- Throw During the Fight by Keith Pascal What would you do, if your attacker dodged the throw of your weapon at him or her? If y
Recently, I made a little video on in-close fighting. It had a few training tips, including one that I didn't recommend: tying your wrist to one of yo
So, do you study hard style martial arts or soft style martial arts? And if you study a hard style, like Karate or Tae Kwon Do, then do you mix softer
Bruce Lee made a major mistake in his movies. So do various incarnations of Batman. The error has to do with one specific martial-arts move. In fact,
Attack By Drawing: Turning a Disadvantage into a Benefit by Keith Pascal In the most traditional definition of Attack by Drawing, your enemy sees