martial arts motivation
Are You Lazy or Motivated in Your Pursuit of Martial Arts?
I think what I am asking is are you motivated to get off your tush and kick some … “you know”?
What if I could give you a dose of oomph and solve all of your martial-arts motivation problems and challenges?
In Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt you get answers to 58+ martial-arts motivation questions and problems — some of the toughest problems.
Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt
How to find direction in your learning, even if your martial goals shift over time
6 steps to end helpless and demotivating feelings when you are too lazy to really perfect your techniques
The little-known way to add focus to your training, so there is no more “a little of this and a little of that” leaving you ‘spinning your wheels’ with no marked improvement
Proven tips for creating your own weekly workout program
7 Methods for finding the time to consistently practice outside of martial arts class
AMAZING! Discover in a matter of minutes how to solve money problems and move from self study to your first formal lessons
13 questions answered with proven strategies for time management when it comes to martial arts training
7 tips and tricks for for finding the balance between work, family and training
My personal advice on how to train with minimal or even no martial arts equipment
The solution to solving “weird schedule” problems when trying to fit in martial arts classes
Have you been looking for this for ages? Discover how to find an interested and motivated practice partner
How to get to class … schedules, long distances, and other obligations
REVEALED! The hidden truth behind finding instruction in a small town when there is only one martial arts school and it\’s “not right” for you
A quick shift in perspective, so you can find sparring partners you can trust
And that’s just a fraction of what you’ll find out in “58 Important Martial-Arts Motivation Questions Answered” That’s why you should own this book today (in fact, you can be reading in as little as 5 minutes from now!).
Let Me Help You with Your Martial-Arts Motivation
Reading this easy-to-understand ebook will be like sitting in a chair across from me. In our “conversation,” we’d also discuss:
Find someone to spar with “seriously” — end partner laziness with this simple strategy
Tips for making punching practice with a partner more effective — concentrate your efforts with these suggestions
What to do about punching, if you don’t have a practice partner — (not making progress?)
Finding a suitable, non-studio area to practice … for locks, throws, and staying fit
Uncovering the perfect school for you in your area — going beyond the Yellow Pages … way beyond
What to do when your learning is slow and you feel like quitting. This problem plagues just about everyone “studying solo.”
How to find the “intrinsic” (inner) motivation to keep going … and going.
Tips for staying dedicated and not breaking a good training rhythm
One reader wrote saying that no book or teacher can truly motivate a martial-arts student to learn. I want to prove him wrong with this ebook and my advice to you in the questions that are answered.
In this brand new ebook, you are also going to discover:
Ways to create the drive to push forward. Break through plateaus in your training
How to find an instructor who motivates you … and yes, one good teacher can make all of the difference.
How to stay motivated with diet and fitness in your martial-arts program. (I am in the process of … taking my own advice.)
‘Your’ mindset to stay in the martial arts over the years, in spite of relationships, school, and so on. Martial arts for the rest of your life! No thoughts of quitting again.
5 questions to ask yourself when your learning is slow
How to get up and get yourself to the gym. Do you make excuses?
What to do when you are just too tired to train
A guaranteed way to beat procrastination in the martial arts. This really works well.
How to memorize martial techniques when I am not in class
How to retain what you learn. It’s a lot easier than you think.
Suggestions and solutions to keep your interest going and fight boredom (A big problem for some)
Get more martial-arts speed in your training, and make speed training fun
How to maintain excitement for practicing the same techniques over and over … and over.
What to do if you want to train constantly and can’t
The answer to “letting yourself go” in the years after earning a black belt
What to do if you get nervous and can’t relax during class (this method is used by professional athletes)
How to focus your punches and kicks when some of the time they seem “lackluster and weak”
Where other like-minding practice partners are hiding out
How to practice each time … with intent
What’s a resource like this worth?
To have someone do all this research for you would normally cost you around $3700 (I should know, that’s what it cost me!). Particularly laser-guided accurate information like this – SPECIFICALLY for actually getting yourself in motion to practice martial arts, whether you procrastinate, don\’t have the time, or don’t know the best course of action. This isn’t some boiler-plate collection of answers.
Everything is explained in PLAIN English. Which means it’s dead-easy to read and understand. And it’s logically laid out.
Which is why “Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt” is such a bargain at $39.95 $27
That’s right, a fraction of what it’s really worth or what it would cost you to sit down and have a conversation with me, where I answer all of these questions.
This is an electronic book (e-book) that can be downloaded to your computer in a flash. Which means you can be reading it and discovering all these amazing secrets in as little as 5 minutes from now.
Click Here Below Order
$27 is a drop in the ocean compared to what you learn with these secrets that will get you back on track.
And don’t worry, if for any reason you’re not happy with the content, you have a complete guarantee to protect your ($27) investment.

Hey, you’re my customer. And if you’re not happy, it looks bad on me.
So if you’re not happy with what you discover from “Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt: Motivation For Martial Artists” I don’t expect … or want … to keep your money. Just simply whip off an email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I’d be embarrassed to keep it).
But … the e-book is yours to keep no matter what, as a “thank you” gift from me!
Okay? So you really can’t lose! The e-book’s yours no matter what.
That’s about as fair as it gets, don’t you agree?
You can’t leave this page empty handed, can you?
For a mere $39.95 $27, you’re getting the answers you need.
Just imagine being able to get these answers downloaded to you right away.
Click Here To Order Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt: Motivation For Martial Artists
Wishing you great success.
Keith Pascal
P.S. Don’t forget, the $27 offer is for a limited time only. After that, we will be testing various offers of between $39.95 – $50.
This is exactly what you need to get started in actually getting yourself in motion to practice martial arts (better), whether you procrastinate, don’t have the time, or don’t know the best course of action. So, if that’s what you want to do, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
“Talent for Both Writing and Teaching”
“Keith Pascal is one of those rare individuals … a realistic martial artist with a talent for both writing and teaching. He tells it like it is with his own style of writing — with humor injected to keep things even more interesting.
“I recommend Mr. Pascal to anyone wanting good, realistic martial arts instruction in any format.”
-Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc Head Instructor Universal System of Self-Defense, Honolulu, Hawaii
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