Posts Tagged training devices

Which martial arts systems are a scam?

There are a lot of martial arts, combative, and self-defense programs on the Internet. Books, ebooks, and DVDs abound. Which of these martial artists

martial-arts articles, Uncategorized

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attacked at a bar

Imagined That You Are Attacked at a Bar .... This was the topic of discussion in several articles in Martial Arts Mastery, Issue #530. We talked

martial-arts articles, Uncategorized

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Martial-Arts Scheduling Video

I thought it would be fun to take a look at one of the ways that I create a martial-arts schedule. Of course, this isn't the only way; plus, it doesn'

martial-arts articles


martial-arts thinking kid

martial-arts thinking kid

Out of the minds of babes .... The other day, we went to McDonald's for dinner. Hey, we don't do it often. (If you want to know why we go there at

martial-arts articles