100 articles
100 Practical Martial-Arts Articles
Do you wait each week for Keith Pascal’s martial-arts newsletter to hit your inbox?
Do you wish you could read more of these practical articles?
Are you looking for an extremely good deal, right now?
100 Keith-Pascal Articles Collected into One eBook
From the desk of Keith Pascal (9:08 am):
You are reading this note from me, because you are subscribed to one (or more) of my newsletters.
Did you know that hundreds of people have written asking where all of my old issues of the ezine are archived?
Well, they aren’t. Not really.
I typically told these article cravers that I didn’t archive, but they could find some of my articles in the following places:
- general article directories
- martial arts article directories
- my various web sites (I have over 20)
- through search engine queries
- on my other lists
- recycled — expanded and used in various ebonuses, ebooks, and books
- every once-in-awhile in offline magazines
In celebration of the site makeover, and because you requested it, I have collected articles from the above sources into one ebook.
I also added a few never-before-seen articles. In other words, I wrote one or two (or three or four) just for this ebook.
Martial-Arts Photos Added, But …
To make the ebook more visually interesting, I did embed photos and illustrations into articles, here and there. Hopefully, they relate to that article or maybe the next one on the facing page.
These photos are NOT presented in sequences. In my books, like The Punch eCourse and Wrist Locks, you see series of photos, designed to take you from point A to point B.
While the photos and illustrations in 100 Practical Martial-Arts Articles might help a little, they are not really part of the “lesson” in the article. Again, I put them there, to relieve eye strain.
In other words, use them as minor clues, but brainstorm way beyond what you see depicted.
I think the pics will help, but I don’t want them to limit your creative thinking.
After all, 95% of the original articles didn’t have any graphics, at all.
Also, if there is some point in an article that you don’t quite understand, you can always email me. Then I can use even more words … to confuse … or hopefully, clarify what we are talking about.
OK, Keith; what’s this ebook going to cost me?
I thought long and hard on this question.
On the one hand, I get to repetitively hammer home a few important martial arts points. But on the flip side, some people might think that a few of the articles are repetitive.
These articles will become important lessons for some of the martial artists. Others will print out the ebook and read it in snippets while indisposed … or waiting for Janie’s soccer practice to end.
- Okay, let’s see …
100 articles X $1 and article = ________
No, wait! That’s too expensive …
How about the cost based on the value of the articles? Well, $50 ($49.95) would be very fair compared to the cost of a few martial-arts lessons. Think of all the tips you are about to get.
- Still too much.
$29.95 is much more reasonable, wouldn’t you agree? (And only 30 cents an article!)
Right now, you get all 100 articles for … $16.95
(I can’t even take my wife to dinner for that.)
Order now and get this brand new eBonus:
10 Pressure-Point Articles
What more can I say?
If you like reading my martial-arts articles, then this is a great deal!

Have you noticed that I INSIST on offering complete money-back guarantees on all of my books and ebooks? I know that you will get useful tips that will alter the way you do martial arts … for the better. But hey — if you decide that “100 Practical Martial-Arts Articles” isn’t right for you, then I’ll accept that it’s not a good fit. Period.
Just simply whip off an email to me and I’ll promptly refund your money in full. But… the eBook is yours to keep no matter what, as a “thank you” gift from me!
That’s about as fair as it gets, don’t you agree?
Okay? So you really can’t lose! The ebook’s yours no matter what.
I hope you get a chance to take advantage of this special offer. (The price will increase as soon as the initial promotional test is over.)