wrist locks video problems

I don’t mean to make fun of fellow martial artists. And I am not sure whether this bit of joint-locking wisdom is funny or sad …
But to be frank, people who try to learn wrist locks by copying videos look pathetic. And the locks usually don’t work.

Any book or video that doesn’t explain the proper pressure and what you should be feeling, is doing its viewers a disservice.

Wrist lock and controls have to be felt to be learned. This makes sense, right?
For example, if you are effecting a Double Ninety Lock (See “Wrist Locks: From Protecting Yourself to Becoming an Expert“), you have to see the elbow raise, when you apply pressure on the wrist. Then you firmly hold the position, when you get enough pressure to move the elbow.
Without the elbow, you don’t know whether or not you have enough torque for the control. So, the instructions be they from teacher, book, or video, should include a description that helps you find the proper position and pressure on the joint.
By the way, this means that you’ll have to practice with a live partner. Otherwise, how will you know how much pressure to use, in order to cause “just the right amount” of pain.
You really can learn wrist locks from a book, but the book absolutely has to show you how to get to the correct wrist lock with the correct feeling. Without the right pressure, you are just moving someone’s arm or wrist around. You won’t accomplish much.
It also helps if you learn a few principles that you can apply to various wrist lock techniques. For example, whenever you effect a lock, check to make sure your detainee can’t strike you with a free hand or kick you with either foot.

Tip: If you feel that your opponent could hit you with his (or her) free hand, then try lowering the lock a little bit. See if that helps.
Remember to really explore your wrist locks … feel what’s right. Learn to snap on a solid joint lock. Also check for other weapons. Make sure you are safe from a random, wild punch, while you are locking.


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