Can you learn fighting from ebooks?

Can you learn to fight from an ebook? Good question. Apparently, one "unsubscriber" feels that you can't. He thought that my articles were "v
Hidden Gems of Martial Arts
Do Joint Locks Work in Law Enforcement is the title of an article by Loren Christensen. Most of the article deals with objections to the practical-app
Can you learn to fight from an ebook? Good question. Apparently, one "unsubscriber" feels that you can't. He thought that my articles were "v
As a test, I recently sent out two martial-arts videos to subscribers of two of my other lists. One video was 15 minutes long; the other was a 3-minu
Joe Lewis Interview Excerpts, Good and Bad Yesterday, I was rereading the August 1997 issue of Black Belt Magazine. In particular, I found an an inte
Can you believe it -- the first edition (out of print) of Wrist Locks is selling for more than $200!!! I just don't understand. The old edition onl