Martial-Arts Scheduling Video
I thought it would be fun to take a look at one of the ways that I create a martial-arts schedule. Of course, this isn’t the only way; plus, it doesn’t include how I incorporate my iPod® to track the results of my practice.
Still, it may give you some ideas. Also, I am posting some articles on my other lists that explain the details of the “paper” schedule.
If you notice, I don’t jam-pack my martial-arts schedule with a ton of activities; there are just a few each day. It’s a personal preference. When I fill the schedule with exercise after exercise, I tend to quit after a couple of days.
Also, while I do try to stay faithful to the plan, at first, I do realize that sometimes there are conflicts. For example, I once tried to do my Abdominal work after an intense leg and kick workout. It didn’t “work out” at all.
Well, here’s the martial arts video. Let me know what you think:
Tags: footwork, martial arts planning, martial arts video, martial-arts practice, martial-arts schedule, solo training, train alone, training devices, training plan
Lol, sorry, I’m going off-topic, but I just loved the spanish in the schedule…
Pardon me for stereotyping names … but with a name like Bruno Angioni, I would think you’d prefer Italiano. 🙂
Lucky for you, the only three languages that I claim fluency in are … English, Spanish, and Italian.