Dr. Oz’s Weight Gains
Every Fall, someone comes out with, what they think is, an amazing revelation; we gain weight between the end of summer and the end of the year. This year, Dr. Oz reminds us of what I think is fairly obvious.
It doesn’t take a genius to reason why this is a truism.
Experts, including Oz, will cite everything from less exercise because of less time outdoors to Halloween candy and holiday desserts.
Martial-Arts Stay-in-Shape Insight
Since this past summer, I made some progress in the weight-loss arena, I don’t want to backslide during the cooler months. In other words, putting back on lost weight is NOT my objective.
In fact, a little extra weight-loss would help me continue my very slow but every-progressing goal of losing some “excess.”
So, I had this idea … I’d use a little martial-arts reasoning to avoid some obstacles.
First, List the Weight-Loss Enemies
My first task is to find a list or two, like Dr. Oz’s List, and list the reasons that people regain lost weight in the Fall and Winter months. Put down everything from slower metabolism in colder weather, to everyone giving you holiday cookies and treats. Even list candy canes, if you shove those into your mouth. And if potato latkes are your nemesis (or favorite comfort food), list them, too; if you add sour cream on top of those potato pancakes, then list that, too.
Once you have your “sabotage” list …
If Oz or Rosen knew about JKD’s 5 Ways of Attack
Jot down some notes on how you are going to deal with each challenge. Now is the time to incorporate some “martial spice” to your solutions:
If you are into Single Direct Attacks (SDA), then you will counter the hazard with the direct opposite. If it’s a food, then you will simply avoid it 100%. If it’s something like lack of exercise, then you’d go in the opposite direction, and add in a little planned exercise to counter your upcoming slothfulness.
Do you need a 5 Ways of Attack review? Here’s a free martial-arts video subject that covers all ways of attack: Five Ways of Attack.
ABC — Attack by Combination implies that you will attack each challenge on those weight-gain lists with a multiple of ideas. If someone offers you a big candy cane, you could refuse as your first line of defense. Having a piece of sugar-free peppermint in your pocket or purse could be your second line of defense. Accepting the candy cane and then gifting it to someone else could be yet another strategy.
Putting them all together, and you may conquer the challenge.
In Attack By Trapping you are concerned with immobilization. Normally, in fighting, one hand might limit the movement of your opponent’s hands, while your other hand attacks. In the case of weight-loss, I prefer to think of your counter as just this side of preemptive.
Put a stop to the offering, if it’s food. Exercise with someone else, where you’d be “disappointing the friend or group” if you flaked out. In other words, do something to stop the problem and counter the problem at the same time.
Indirect Attacks For Staying in Shape
There are two forms of attack left …
For a Progressive Indirect Attack (PIA), think of it as tricking yourself into doing the right thing. Since I can’t figure a way to “start an attack,” I fear this analogy would lack. So, I am going to imagine ways to subtly get on the right track. I’ll sneak up on the idea of avoiding bad foods. If I decide to replace the summer’s outdoor activities with indoor exercise, maybe I’ll start with some drills during TV commercials.
Then, I’ll build from there.
Are you getting any ideas, yet?
Finally, for Attack By Drawing (ABD), my goal will be to accept that the upcoming months are different. I’ll give in to some of the treats. I’ll spend more time indoors. BUT … I will figure out a way to put reasonable limits on each.
For example, instead of FOUR HELPINGS of potato latkes, you could have two smaller portions. And instead of full-fat sour cream, try some fat free alternative … maybe even find a way to have the potatoes contact the oil less by precooking the potatoes. (Rocco Dispirito says that foods absorb more oil when they spend more time in the oil. It makes sense.)
Remember, if you followed Oz’s list, then you have several challenges to deal with. FIgure out which way of attack would be best for your particular challenge. You only need one “efficient strategy” per problem.
Just like Bruce Lee’s JKD, if something isn’t working, immediately flow into something else. And make that something a natural, efficient response … that fits your character.
So, do you think Dr. Oz would approve?
Tags: 5 ways of attack, dr. oz, fall weight gain, five ways of attack, martial arts weight loss, stay in shape, winter weight gain