Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Article
Self Defense Techniques -- Beware the Internet!
     by Keith Pascal


I just did an Internet search for self defense techniques ... and what I found scared me.

Not because they are good techniques, but because many sites offer techniques that just would not work in a real self-defense situation.

I found an article on how to use pepper sprays and mace. But the article didn't even mention that you have to have the spray in your hand and ready. Otherwise, you'll never get to the little bottle in time to use it.

A study was done where folks who had the spray in their hands ready to go couldn't even stop an attacker. What chance do you have of getting it out of your pocket, purse, or holder in time to save your life?

I also found advice that was too generic to be of any use:

     Kick your attacker in the groin!

     Pull your attacker's hair!

     Stomp on your attacker's foot!

These are actually good tactics for self defense, but without knowing some specific techniques, you probably don't have a chance.

From there, I found martial arts sites trying to sell weapons ... for your key chain, purse, or car.

If you don't know how to use your weapon, the chances are it won't work. And what's worse, your attacker could take your weapon away from you and use it to hurt you!

So, before you start carrying a weapon, you should know how to defend empty-handed against someone using the weapon on you.


Useful Self-Defense Advice

So, is there any useful advice for self defense techniques out there?

Yes. of course.

In the Free ezine, Martial Arts Mastery: A Tell-All of Tips, Tactics, and Techniques, I share practical advice on a weekly basis.

I also review some of the sites, products and information that really will help you master some self defense techniques.

I also offer a free, 9-Part, Hand-to-Hand Combat Course.

Last words of advice: If you choose not to join the free , weekly ezine (or the free combat course) -- please be sure to be careful out there. All martial arts sites are not created equal.

Stay safe.


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Pepper Spray -- Warning!


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