Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Family Safety Articles, eBooks, and a Book
Free eBooklet: Guide to Keeping Your Friends and Family Safe

This safety ebooklet is especially valuable if you are a martial artist, because it will give you advice on how to help those you care about lead safer lives.

I don't know about you, but I can't be around those I care about 24 hours a day, 100% of the time. It's impossible ...

Download it now: Guide to Keeping Your Friends and Family Safe

Keep Friends and Loved Ones Safe ...

Let me know your most pressing concerns for keeping your friends and family safe.

I'll write articles and post them in this section. Until then, these links should give you some creative self-defense ideas for those you care about:

Why Tiptoeing to Tranquility is Important to You

Do you really want to keep those close to you safe?

Give friends and family a copy of this easy to read parable about a mother and daughter who want to lead safer lives.

Tiptoeing to Tranquility: The Parable for Finding Safety and Comfort in Dangerous Times is a fun read for all non-martial artists. And an entertaining review for black belts. More on Tiptoeing to Tranquility ...