Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Article
Shin Kicks: Martial Arts Instincts
     by Keith Pascal


Use Your Natural Instinct, Even with Shin Kicks

In one issue of Martial Arts Mastery, we dealt with instinct versus intellect. We walked through a scenario where the two blended.

At one point, suddenly a shin kick happened mid-thought. The intellectual thoughts were interrupted by instinct kicking in, pardon the pun.

If you were into the rhythm of the story, then you might have glossed over that important point.

Even the 'lowly' shin kick needs to be worked to automaticity. You need to kick without thought, on occasion.

Train for this.


Develop a Way to Practice fo Automatic Reactions

It's not enough to practice a great number of shin kicks in the air. And you won't develop automatic reactions by kicking a heavy bag lowered down to shin level.

You need to develop a way to practice for the automatic reaction.

Someone with good leg protection needs to step into range for you at random times.

Someone with good leg protection needs to step into range for you at random times WHILE you are doing something else, like some other form of practice.

At first, you'll think about it. You have to consciously decide to kick the padded shin. In the beginning, it will be a struggle to remember to kick.

Then, you'll start to try to kick faster and faster -- to react instantly to the leg coming into range during "martial encounters." (You don't want to shin kick "all" legs coming into range, or passing you while walking down the street would be very painful.)

One day, during sparring practice, or while someone playfully attacks you in the dojo, you'll find yourself kicking without thought.

Praise the Practice!

You just had an automatic, instinctive reaction.

With enough training, you can make this reaction consistent.

With enough training, you can make even your shin kicks automatic.


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