Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Article
Rear Kick Counter Weapon ...
     by Keith Pascal


Stop an Aggressor's Advance

Not that Bruce Lee's writing puts me to sleep, but last night I was reading some of his notes, to make my eyes tired before bed.

Bruce Lee had a few cryptic scribbles about using rear kicks primarily as a weapon for countering.

If you think about this, it makes sense.

If you were facing a meanie in the street, you probably wouldn't turn your back on him, and lead with a rear kick, right?

I did say "probably."

On the other hand, as a counter weapon, the rear kick has several uses:

* stop an aggressor's advance from the rear

* interrupt a technique with a rear kick (stop kick)

* distractor on a rear advance, to make you attacker pause, just for a second

As a weapon, your kick moves more slowly than your punch. With your leg, you have more weight to move, a bigger weapon weapon to move, and maybe even a longer distance to travel. Face it -- a speed punch is fast.

Start thinking of your rear kick as a counter to an attack. If you don't think this way already, this little paradigm shift, will make your rear kick infinitely more practical. Especially in a real-life attack from behind.


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