Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Ninja Article
Ninja Weapons -- Be a ninja thanks to AOL
     by Keith Pascal


Do you love movies that have ninjas performing acrobatic feats of martial arts? Do you think of the ninja as black clad assassins of old?

Do you consider ninjas to be a bunch of adults with regressed personality development, running around in pajamas?

Or do you think of the true modern day ninja? Someone practicing a style of martial arts steeped in tradition?

For me, I have always been fascinated with the ninjas ability to adapt and turn everyday objects into impromptu weapons. The thought is intriguing.


Safe at the Post Office

The other day, I was standing in line at the post office, mailing a bunch of hardbacks of Wrist Locks: From Protecting Yourself to Becoming an Expert.

I checked out everyone in the post office ... not out of paranoia ... it's just my nature, and it's a habit. No surprises for me.

Then I started looking at all of the promotional materials on the counters, next to me.

There were CD Roms for and other companies. I also saw phone cards for sale.

My mind wandered.

You know, once I wrote an article describing how one could use a CD as a weapon. Broken in half and you have two jagged edged scrapers -- nice, sharp knives.

Left whole, you could still use it as a knife, or throw it -- a spur-of-the-moment shuriken.

There was a demo copy open on top. Good for quick access to a weapon.

The others were in cardboard folders -- harder to use instantly -- unless you throw everything, cardboard envelope and all.

Those phone card could come in handy as a weapon, too.


Weapons, Weapons Everywhere

It's nice to know that anywhere you find these promotional CDs, you have instant, or almost instant weapons.

Thanks AOL.


End Note:

Once you have cut someone with a CD in a public place, are you going to run away, continue cutting over and over again, or take control of the situation?

Running away gets you out of the situation, but if there are witnesses, you could be in trouble for leaving the scene.

If you continue slicing with your CD, you could be charged with excessive force.

So, what should you do?

Have you considered a good wrist lock or joint lock, to take control of the situation?

You know which book I'd recommend ;-)

Train hard -- be safe!

       Keith Pascal  

If You Can't React Automatically with a Knife,
Then You Don't Have a Chance ...
Martial artists who think that they can use their regular moves from their styles in a knife fight, just won't have a chance.

I am not trying to be mean, just honest.

Knife against knife is a whole different kettle of fish from an empty-hand attack. You need an efficient, automatic way to respond. Here's the answer ... Read More about 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting ...