Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Article
Martial Arts Scenario Training: A New Scenario for You To Practice
     by Keith Pascal


A New Scenario for You To Practice

I don't know about you, but I am always looking for realistic scenarios to practice. The way to be really prepared is to become accustomed to how you'd react in a bunch of different situations.

Your means to the end is to practice scenarios that could happen to you.

Would you like another good one to add to your collection of practice situations?

Look at Eric's contrbution on knife-fighting consideratrions ..... Knife Fighting and Syringes

Does it give you any ideas?

The bad guy has an infected syringe. You are the target. Action!

For practice purposes, you have to devise a safe way to simulate an infected syringe:

  • A real syringe (new, please), minus the needle, filled with water

  • a new pencil, unsharpened

  • A piece of an old rubber tire, 'carved' into the shape of a syringe

  • aluminum foil wadded and shaped into a syringe

  • You get the idea. Of course, you should practice with eye protection, because even a dull pencil could be redirected into an eye, by mistake.

    Eric's scenario is a good one -- after all, it really happened.

    I am not bound by history, to practice this scenario just as it occurred.

    If you decide to practice for this situation, why not make it more difficult on yourself ...


    Variations on the New Scenario

    1) Get rid of the desk. Practice with the bad guy able to reach you easily. Practice in an area where you can't escape by running behind an object and having the bad guy chase you. Be right there, to make the session more difficult on you.

    2) Have the bad guy approach from the side and slightly to your back. Force yourself to use peripheral vision. You turn and WHAMO -- the criminal is right there!

    3) Practice on a driveway, or maybe on a small front lawn. If you step off the driveway or get forced off the lawn ... you have just dropped to your death 500 feet below. Not really, but Steve Golden used to have us pretend that his 14 ft. square of cement in front of his garage was the rooftop of a high-rise building. If you stepped onto dirt or grass, you pretended that you just fell off the edge of the rooftop.


    Modify Scenarios ... Get Creative

    Get creative with this scenario and others. What else could you add or modify?

    Does the attacker have to squirt you from touching distance with the play syringe, to have it count as infecting you.

    Does a scrape with the end of the pencil count as infecting?

    How will you both agree to end the encounter? Tapping out? Full control with a wrist lock? (The lock called Ground Control in "Wrist Locks: From Protecting Yourself to Becoming an Expert" feels right for this situation.)


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