Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Article
Martial Anger Responses
     by Keith Pascal


And here are a few more comments from subscribers to Martial Arts Mastery:


I have read through the responses from this and even though I agree with many of them I need to add my own thoughts.

Some call the Dark side the easy path, not diciplined, using anger to obtain what you want.  This is what gets stated in the "star wars" quite a bit. 

The books go deeper and the "Dark Side" isn't exactly evil.  Of course one persons evil is anothers good.

In martial arts I think that all of us would like to believe that we are "good Jedi".  WE train for many reasons, to fight is one of them.  We may not train to fight for fun, or for the hell of it, but we train to fight to protect our loved ones and ourselves from someone who wants to hurt us.

This seems to be the case with most of the martial artist that I have met.  So where does the dark side come in,, I think it belongs to those who take what we hold so close to our hearts and corrupt it.

That would be the person who moves from one state to another and gains rank, the person who cheats his students, the instructor who uses his position of trust to hurt a child.  The list goes on.

These people are the ones who go down the "dark side", it has little to do with initial intentions or skill level.  It is the corruption that consumes them.

This is the sad part, the ones we trust, the ones we love become corrupt. 



     Wade Black
     Dayton Ohio



Dear Keith,

Thank you for your wonderful Newsletters. Anyone who is not willing to study and show themselves approved, will eventually be destroyed by their lack of knowledge. My comment on your letter entitled "The Dark Side" Is rather simple.

Abraham Lincoln said, "The philosophy in the classroom of one generation is the philosophy in the government of the next generation."

I mention this because I believe that the same thing applies in the Sensei-student relationship. The philosophy in the dojo of one generation can very well be the philosophy of the life the students lead.

The dark side?

The light side?

What was their teacher's philosophy?

In today's society of one parent and divorced homes, who are brought up being raised by the music they hear and the television they see, the only role model one may have may be a Sensei, so my point?

If you are a Sensei, make absolute certain you have a philosophy of integrity and a good moral base. If not, one of your students may one day be your worst enemy, or your best friend.

God Bless,

     Dr. Neal Schiesske
     Koreja Do Christian Martial Arts



I've been training a martial art called "Classic Freefight", in which you don't wear any protective gear, and besides, there are almost no rules.

I'd say that the more hate you use, the more effecient your techniques become.

  Fear, if controlled, is the strongest allied that exists, but if not controlled, it's the most dangerous enemy existing.

Hate is also a strong allied, although not as strong as fear, but if it can be controlled, it will give you that little extra strength....



Philosophical- I do not try to destroy my opponent, I try to create change in him. The change may come easily, or it may come with some difficulty.

A man has committed himself to doing evil to his brother. What I wish to do is create in him the will to no longer do this. Whether I am the person he has directed his actions toward, or one of my friends or family. I must show him the error of his ways...,

1. By advising him of his wrong.

2. Taking command of the situation - either mentally or by force, or by both. I do not want to destroy life, I wish to save it. if someone is perpetuating evil on his fellow man it is my duty to attempt to correct the situation that the perpetrator has created with his actions.

3. If the perpetrator continues to attempt to harm the innocent, force may become imperative. If the one continues even into the realm of taking an innocent life while committing this action.

The defender may have no other choice but to take the perpatrators life in order to inhibit the innocent from becoming a victim.


All life is a precious, and none can be replaced, to seek to destroy is not the end goal. The need to protect is the end goal.

If you can control the perpetrator and turn him over to authorities, or he comes to realize the error of his ways.

Then you have succeeded in actually saving two lives.

This will carry on like casting a pebble into a pond. In starts a chain reaction that travels beyond what the minds eye can see.

My end result is not to destroy; My end result is too protect and defend.

"One good deed brings a breathe of fresh air to a weary world."



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