Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Free Hand-to-Hand Combat ebook
Free Hand-to-Hand Combat eBooklet
Shows How to Counter Almost All Elbow Strikes in 3 Easy Steps!
     by Keith Pascal


You are about to learn the following hand-to-hand combat strategies...

  • How to Improve Your Own Elbow Strikes -- 4 great pieces of advice
  • Guide to Countering All Elbow Strikes -- Never Get Caught By an Elbow Strike in Hand-to-Hand Combat!
  • Painful Pressure Points -- A Hidden Target
  • Timing Decisions for Your Combat Counter Strike -- Melt-Through Reaction to a Strong Defense!

The way to hand-to-hand combat skill is by learning one new technique at a time. In the ebooklet that you are about to read, I want you to learn a strategy for countering any elbow strike coming in at you.

You are about to add another component to your martial-arts repertoire. You'll apply this principle to elbow strikes coming from any and all angles. Anyone who tries to hit you with an elbow in hand-to-hand combat will be in for a BIG surprise!

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