Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Article
Shin Kick Efficiency: Faster Shin Kicks
     by Keith Pascal


More Efficient Shin Kicks -- I Am Not Kidding!

Two motions are less efficient than one, for most practical purposes. (I won't commit to "all practical purposes" just yet. :-)

I see a lot of people raise their foot up before sending it out in a kick. There are times when a lift and the reaching out for the target in a kick blend together -- times where the lift is necessary.

But breaking it down into two motions is ... inefficient.

As Bill Shaw says, "Can you round the edge between the two motions a bit?"

In fact, with such a low kick, you can pretty much head in a straight line from the floor to your opponent's shin.

I didn't say straight-legged. I did say "straight line." The leg may have to bend a little. The foot travels the straight line -- the shortest distance between two points -- the most efficient path.

Maybe the "lowly" shin kick (yes, that's another pun, that I didn't call to earlier) isn't that unimportant.

I spend a lot of time making the move automatic. I spend time making the move more efficient by eliminating extraneous motion.

And I just spent several articles talking about the shin kick.


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