Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Article
Controlling Long Legs: Beware Those Kicks
     by Keith Pascal


Dear David, Goliath Has Long Legs, Too!

I assume that, for this discussion, we are worrying about Goliath's ability to kick with those legs that are so long they never end.

Yes, the giant can cover more ground with big steps. This longer reach with foot movement can really mess up your timing, if you haven't practiced for it.

But for today, let's deal with those scary kicks.

This comes back to the discussion of not fighting in the sparring danger zone ... or should I say "the danger zone of sparring."

If you are in a range that is a comfortable kicking distance for your attacker, then you are at the wrong range.

You should either plan on being way too far out of range, or in past the point where he could raise his leg in an extended kick.

Here's a little analogy ....

Have you ever heard that if you have to fight someone wielding a staff (bo), you need to worry about getting in past the tip or end of the pole. The wielder can still strike, but not with the end of the pole, unless significant motion adjusts after you have passed the end.

I feel a lot safer once I am on the inside past the tip of the staff.


The same is true of a high kicker. Especially if you are short.

Get in so close that he has to either play a shin kicking game or a hand game with you.

In other words, force him to ... maybe ... just possibly ...

Reach For Your Throat!

(And you know how to take it from there!)

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