Hidden Gems of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Article
Advice for Both Tall and Short: Understanding More of the Strategy
     by Keith Pascal


Tall People -- Were You Controlled Above the Elbows?

It's time for a some advice for our tall brethren:

Do you remember the analogy from the last issue, of passing the end of a long staff (bo)?

We considered the point of the staff to be 'the danger' to our well-being,

Well, I am about to let you in on a little secret:

Your long arms are not a long pole; they are a three-sectioned-staff ... or a very long pair of nunchaku.

What I am trying to say is that if the short person passes your arms, then he (or she) will have to control your arms over the shoulder at the elbows or above.

If the short attacker, controls you at the wrists, for example, then you still have an array of elbow strikes, head locks, and grabs that you could employ.

Can you think of an exercise where you start with both of your hands resting on, and a little past, your partner's shoulder?

How will you react?

On the count of three ... One ... Two ...

Elbow Strike! (downward)



Bonus Section:

Short People -- What if the Attacker has a 'Wide' Reach?

Mark wrote and wanted to know know what to do if the long-armed attacker reaches but both arms reach in 'wide.'

The reach is so wide, that you couldn't possibly trap both arms onto one of your shoulders.

Is there a 'better way to react'?

I gave a hint, last week, when I mentioned that my wife learned some great responses from Steve Golden. I mentioned two -- we only discussed one strategy in detail.

Well, if someone reaches 'that wide' for your throat ...

then don't bother with the arms. Go right up the center .... straight through the big, gaping opening between the arms. A straight blast of punches is in order, I do believe.

And what do you do if the arms suddenly reorient and strike or grab for your head?


Answer: See this article.

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