Isn't martial arts all about coordinating the mind with the body?
You want to be able to think in a knife fight -- calculate the best tactics -- actively observe your attacker's advance. This side of mind-body coordination requires conscious thought.
Control your mind, so you don't freeze with fear. Learn to push beyond the paralyzing shock of the adrenalin surge.
There is another type of mind-body coordination. Here, you learn to react without thought., When the time comes, when your attcker breaks into a closer range, you need to be able to respond automatically. And those automatic responses MUST be as efficient as possible.
Hi, my name is Keith Pascal.
I'd like to tell you about a new knife fighting ebook (available in electronic, PDF format, for immediate download). This knife fighting course is so new, it hasn't even gone to print, yet.
As far as I know, this is the only book that provides exercises that will teach you to respond automatically and efficiently.
10 Days to Better Knife Fighting has a ton of invaluable tips and drills. One small tip could save your life someday.
There are a lot of dangerous people out there
There are a lot of dangerous people out there. I don't know about your martial arts history, but I don't feel that the first three styles of martial arts I took prepared me for a real knife encounter.
Not at all.
You won't believe this, but one of my classes even taught me to arm block an incoming knife stab. Can you think of anything more ridiculous and DANGEROUS!
In a knife fight, you absolutely can not use the same techniques and strategies that you would use empty-handed. If you do, you will get cut.
Look, when all is said and done, in today's society, most folks who really want to protect themselves, will just go out and buy a gun.
Your idea of "practical" self defense might be pointing the barrel of a compact 9mm right between your attacker's eyes.
That's OK for some people. It takes skill to learn to shoot with accuracy in an emergency. And it takes skill to be a martial artist.
What I offer you is a more realistic, practical way to consider knife fighting.
If you search, you'll find a fair number of books about knife fighting. 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting has drills and exercises that have never been included in any other book or video on the market.
If you do decide to buy any of the knife books available on, you'll have to wade through a lot of useless garbage. There are a few good books, but it's hard to tell the junk from the nuggets of practical advice.
Everything in 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting is very practical.

After downloading the file to your computer, you'll be able to learn drills that will immediately improve your knife fighting skills. I can guarantee that you'll see noticeable improvement in your knife fighting techniques within the first half hour of practice.
That's a guarantee.
Would you like to know why I feel qualified to write this martial arts ebook?
If you do a quick search on the Internet for "Keith Pascal," you'll find that I have written many martial arts articles (over 500), and have a number of ebooks and ebooklets in print, including The Punch Papers: How to Punch Harder, Faster, and More Efficiently, and Secrets of Teaching Martial Arts More Effectively.
My hardback Wrist Locks: From Protecting Yourself to Becoming an Expert has received excellent reviews from Police and Security News, The Rap Sheet (Book 'Em), and American Police Beat.
Maybe you have seen one of my free martial arts ebooks? The ebooklet, Bodyguard Training: Moving Someone Through a Crowd has been downloaded over 10,000 times!
I also have written for The Martial Arts Professional .
Last, but not least, I am the senior editor and writer of Martial Arts Mastery: A Tell-All of Tips, Tactics, and Techniques. This is one of the longest running martial arts newsletters on the Internet. It focuses on only the practical side of martial arts.
And I focus on practical knife fighting in 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting.
Keith Pascal is one of those rare
individuals ... a realistic martial artist with a talent for both writing
and teaching. He tells it like it is with his own style of writing
-- with humor injected to keep things even more interesting. I recommend
Mr. Pascal to anyone wanting good, realistic martial arts instruction
in any format.
-Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc
Head Instructor Universal System
of Self-Defense
I could tell you all the details about this new ebook. We could talk about the Super Practice exercises at the end of each chapter. We could discuss the timing drills included in this martial arts book. I could even explain how each and every exercise is designed to eliminate the inefficient counters used in many martial arts styles.
Instead, let me offer you this guarantee:
If for any reason...
you feel this ebook was a waste of your time, you may have a complete refund. I know you will significantly improve your knife fighting skills, but I want you to be completely satisfied. Take up to six months to decide.
my promise to you. |
You get the ebook, 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting -- over 200 pages with 200+ photos for only $29.95.
Order now and receive the following bonuses, free:
You Won't Find These Knife Fighting Bonuses With Any Other Package!
Bonus #1: Slicing Checks and Blocks
Some will call this a sneaky trick. But this is one sneaky tactic that you'll remember. In fact, after practicing the exercises in this ebonus, you won't have to remember what to do. You'll respond automatically ... and efficiently.
Bonus #2: Circle Stabbing For Fast Improvement
I first learned about this exercise at a Bruce Lee Memorial Seminar. The original exercise had students punching towards focus gloves. I made a few changes, put practice knives in everyone's hands, and presto-change-o, you have a drill that will immediately improve your accuracy and the precision of your cuts. You'll also improve your reaction response, and get a good workout, to boot.
If you have ever wanted to learn to flow with a knife, then this is the exercise for you.
(These two bonuses are only available with 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting. You won't find them with any other offer on the Net.)
Can You See Why I Am So Excited About 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting?
We just released this ebook, and already customers are writing in with praise for 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting. I'll update this page as more letters are received.
For now, here are the first two to hit the inbox:
The e-book 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting by Keith Pascal is well worth the money.
I've studied knife work by book, video, and seminar for ten to twelve years. The training in 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting is simple, logical and fairly complete. Using the slash and thrust exercise as a base for training, makes for steady progress. This also gives the permutations a common thread for understanding.
The safety factor is often repeated, and there are enough variations and exercises for everyone.
...following the guidelines in this book will definitely improve your skills and give you an edge , especially for the amount you spend. Videos, DVDs, and seminars cost a minimum of $40-$50 each!
This e-book is definitely worth the money.
Mike Rooney
5TH Dan (5th degree black belt)
Kempo Instructor
Burlington Vermont
I have purchased several of your books now. I have been extremely pleased with all of them.
10 Days to Better Knife Fighting did not disappoint.
You have packed more precise information into 211 pages than I thought possible.
The skills, drills and exercises in the book are efficient, accurate and to the point . No fluff. No hype, no mysticism, just real-life information that could save someoneıs life. It can be a bad world out there. Itıs hard to describe the pleasure I feel in being able to share your knowledge with my training partner, my 17 year old son.
As you say in your introduction, you donıt teach ³a complete style in a book.² No you donıt.
What you teach are real techniques, real skills, and real methods of improving them in a systematic way.
Thanks for writing this. It is badly needed.
Paul Stevens
[Look for Paul's Newsletter on Aiki-Jiu-Jitsu.]
Download Your eBook Now for Only $27.95
(Special: CD-ROM for only $29.95)
You get an instant download to your computer of the eBook
10 Days to Better Knife Fighting, and both eBonuses for only $27.95
Order now! My publishing company often rearranges bonuses and offers. I don't know how long this offer will be available
Order 10 Days to Better Knife Fighting
10 Days to Better Knife Fighting:
* Works with practically any martial arts style
* Has some principles you will apply to your empty-hand techniques
* Includes several Super Practice Exercises at the end of each chapter
* Is a safe way to learn practical techniques
* Will help you feel more confident when wielding a knife
* Only provides direct, efficient knife-defense moves
Order Now - Only $27.95 (or $29.95 for the CD-ROM)
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