Who Is Keith Pascal?

First and foremost, I am a full-time martial arts
writer and book author:

Including The Punch Papers, I
     have three published books. All
     of them cover areas of the martial arts.

I have a dozen martial arts eBooklets in print
     (between 20 and 60 pages each). Many of
     the eBooklets have received praise for their
     innovative content.

     One of my eBooklets has been downloaded well
     over 5,000 times from one web site alone --
     and it's available on many more sites.

Over 225 of my martial arts articles have been printed either
     off-line or on the Net. I take it as a compliment that people
     find it easy to learn from my writing.

I have written articles for The Dragon's List, Grandmaster.cc,
     NAPMA -- National Association of Professional Martial Artists
     (The Professional Martial Artist), Master Kirkham's Combat ezine,
     and of course Martial Arts Mastery: A Tell-All of Tips,
     Tactics, and Techniques.

I am the senior editor for Martial Arts Mastery, a practical
     martial arts newsletter that reaches over 3,000 martial artists
     every week with articles on martial arts, boxing training, and
     self defense instruction.

Why "The Punch Papers"?

Because my ezine subscribers needed to learn to punch harder
and faster. They needed to learn to find the openings in their
attacker's defenses.

And they asked for techniques to absolutely, positively smash
through their opponents' guard positions.


You want to hear how the Punch Papers
really came about?

It all started with Bruce Lee ....

I had already been in the martial arts for years, when I met one
of the original Bruce Lee students. Bruce Lee had taught him to
generate an incredible amount of power from a short
distance with his fist.

And now, he was teaching his students to generate that same power.

I was amazed by Steve Golden. How could such a little guy, like his
teacher before him, generate such awesome power in his punch?
(We won't even talk about the rest of his martial arts skill!)

I started studying with Steve Golden -- full time in 1980. I kept
that pace for eight years. Now, all these years later, I still see him as
regularly as I can to continue my training.

For the last 20 years, I have been teaching others self defense. I have
taught high school students after school -- I was a high school teacher
for twelve years, I taught a principal, a sheriff, several juvenile detention
officers, a golden gloves boxer, weight lifters ( one benched over 500 lbs.),
and on and on the list goes.

All of them learned to punch effectively. All of them.

So, when my martial Arts Mastery readers asked me to improve their
punches, I felt I had the skill and the knowledge.

I wrote a few articles. The readers loved them.

Many wrote in and said I had hit the spot (pardon the pun).
They were sending hulks flying backwards with single punches.

I was inspired.

I wrote a few more articles ... and they lapped them up ... and
craved more.

Word got around about how effective these reports were at
improving punching speed and power. To be honest with you,
sending complimentary copies of a couple of articles to all who
requested them became way too time consuming, especially
when I had to keep track of who had already received what

And no, the articles weren't archived. They were too valuable
to hand out to all who stopped by.

So, I rewrote some of the articles, added some more, and when
I stepped back, I saw that I had over 30 articles on how to significantly
improve one's punches.

Well, I recently added to that original bunch and revised the whole lot.
Now, there are over 40 private reports/articles (162 pages) on how to
improve your punches.

In a matter of minutes you could read the following information
right from your computer (or print it from your desktop,
to read later):

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