See an Almost Instant Improvement in Your Punches
If you are an amateur martial artist, if you're an advanced
practitioner of the arts, or if you just want to be able to punch
faster, harder, and more effectively ... then this eBook is for you.
Learn to generate brick-smashing power in every hit.
Learn the secrets known by only a small fraction of the black
belts -- your punches will seem to move too fast to see.
Even discover weaknesses in certain martial arts punches.
(Some classic hits are great -- some aren't.)
You Don't Need Rippled Muscles to Punch Hard!
Knowing 'how' to punch is much more important than just developing
big muscles.
In fact, punching with rippled muscles tightened is one of the worst
ways to punch. Tightening your muscles will slow you down. You should only
tense right before impact.
Punching fast with a lot of power is really a question of technique.
Punching is a science -- a discipline you can master.
WIll You Get the Punch Papers Advantage?
Beginners want to get good fast. They need a quick edge.
The Punch Papers adds the martial arts advantage to all your punches.
You get an instant download to your computer (no waiting for snail mail)
of over 40 chapters of collected reports and articles on significantly
improving your punches.
Beginners will love the following:
Three imperative principles to consider when perfecting
your punch. Great advice for a beginner -- a good review
for the seasoned martial artist or boxer.
"Develop Devastating Power Punches in One Month" is
an invaluable chapter for anyone who would like to use the
mind to help the punch. This is not mumbo jumbo -- you will
see fast results.
Once you learn this super power punch, that even works
from short distances, you will learn to generate that kind of
power with different targets on your opponent.
(Ever hear of Bruce Lee's one-inch punch?)
From there, you get three chapters in a row on how to make
just a few minor adjustments to your body and punch positions
to really crank up the power.
What do martial artists really know about power?
It's time to really learn to generate internal energy .
This next chapter could open up some new possibilities.
I myself am not a blocker, but this tip will help those who
block to combine a punching strategy with their blocks to become
super efficient in their techniques.
Just how many punches do you need? And how many
follow up techniques? Read solid recommendations on whether
to build up techniques or pare them down to the basics. This is
'the' way to keep it all straight in your head.
Teach your punching hand to feel for the openings. You
can react much more quickly if you allow your hand to feel
the opening. These specific strategies take practice, if you want useful
punching tactics that will last a lifetime.
Have you ever looked at a problem from a completely different
angle, and seen a bunch of new possibilities? I'd like to give you a
new paradigm -- one way to see a fight. It may just change the way
you punch -- forever.
Kickboxers have a certain tactic for getting in.
Now, you can learn to stop them before they get this specific
attack under way.
Keith Pascal is one of those rare
individuals ... a realistic martial artist with a talent for both writing
and teaching. He tells it like it is with his own style of writing
-- with humor injected to keep things even more interesting. I recommend
Mr. Pascal to anyone wanting good, realistic martial arts instruction
in any format.
-Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc
Head Instructor Universal System
of Self-Defense
Yes, There Are Martial Arts Secrets
Less than 5% of the martial artists know this principle. Warning --
this technique takes practice, but boy is it worthwhile. Other fighters
won't believe how you are generating your power.
You DON'T need punch-through power to deliver a resounding blow.
And I have a little experiment to prove that this technique works!
Do You Really Want a Punching Advantage?
With The Punch papers, you also learn:
Eight tips to develop a super back fist. You'll think of this as your
fastest strike.
Further thoughts on the back fist. The famous martial arts author
Loren Christensen gives us his two cents' worth on this
effective technique.
Never flinch at a punch again -- I used this technique when
I was a beginner. In my opinion, you'll never survive in the ring
if you don't have this skill -- especially if you are a boxer or a
martial artist.
Here's a follow-up chapter that expounds on the flinch
technique to include all panic responses.
Get your punch in every time -- simple direct advice.
Some spend years searching for this basic truth. Save yourself time
and read this article. Advanced practitioners will nod their
heads in approval.
This next 'mental exercise' will help you improve just
about any technique. Sometimes the way we consider a
technque's flaws turns it into a much stronger move.
Here's a tip for those who just can't find an opening.
The golden gloves boxer I trained loved this tactic.
"Resistance is Futile" is a chapter for what to do when
a technique isn't working. This is advice of how to get out
of a bad situation with a single punch.
Do you know how to punch without using your fist?
Learn all about arm pops -- they will jarr your attacker.
This distance fake is so effective, I hesitated putting it
in this eBook. I learned it while talking to two original
Bruce Lee students. This is a perfect technique for
practice workouts.
A few chapters after that, you get a practice tip that
really is worth the price of the book. It's subtle, but oh so
effective. You can incorporate it into every practice session.
You won't believe it until you try it for awhile. Then you'll never
practice any other way.
I have found Punch Papers to be an invaluable reference for providing new ideas and
further exploring and expanding old ones. It is written in an easy to understand style
and provides a great deal of insight into different mechanisms and principles involved in punches and strikes.
One of the greatest strengths of Punch Papers is the inclusion of the associated drills that
allow you to fully develop and understand the principles and mechanisms presented.
I have noticed a definite increase in both the power and efficiency, in a relatively short time,
of my students' and my own strikes since implementing a number of the drills
into my practice and teaching.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is seriously interested in improving
their striking skills quickly and efficiently or that of their students.
-Richard Zaruba, Head Instructor
Kuk Sool Won of Grand Forks
There Is So Much More To Learn About Punching
You get chapters that help you prepare for the worst situations -- this
is reality based practice at its best. You will also learn about footwork,
proper lead stance, and how to effectively counterpunch after
accidentally getting hit.
You learn how the QWERTY keyboared relates to Bruce Lee's advice
on punching. Many folks will feel uncomfortable as they hear this
dose of punching medicine. Sometimes the truth hurts.
Some of the techniques in this book come straight from wing chun
gung fu -- a chinese boxing style invented by a woman and passed
down for generations. Some of the techniques in this martial arts
ebook are perfect for the female boxing arena.
Women need more precision to their techniques. The art of woman
boxing is on the rise. Women's self defense has skyrocketed. Both
need to learn speed punches, power punches for smaller folks, and
self defense instruction of a different type.
Pure Bruce Lee
Since we were discussing Bruce Lee, I thought I'd
describe some hand checks that are pure jkd, Bruce Lee's style --
super fast, super precise.
The follow-ups in this technique incorporate a minimum-motion-theory.
I don't think techniques can get any more efficient than these. These
are also great for workouts for both men and women.
Women and small guys will be amazed at how effectively such a little
motion can take a power punch -- while counterpunching at
the same time.
Saving the Best for Last: Add These to Your
Collection of Martial Arts Tactics and Techniques
You're not done yet. Before the end of The Punch Papers,
you'll also learn:
How to beat grapplers at their own game. You can
learn to interrupt the flow of events to really confuse a grappler
trying to take you to the ground.
A valuable piece of advice for training to take a
straight blast -- a barrage of punches. If you feel that taking one
punch is possible, but defending against a flury of punches isn't,
then you need to read this article.
Another straight blast defense technique. I want to
make sure you don't panic when the punches fly.
How to modify moves by turning on your technique filter.
The specific example is how to stop someone from clothes-lining
you across the throat.
All about vertical punches. For those who can't rotate
their punch horizontally in time, these gung fu (kung fu) punches
could be the answer.
A secret tip for punching faster. Have someone help
you feel the difference -- you'll learn the right way to think
about speed punching.
Perfect footwork for this speed punch. This footwork differs
from traditional karate and boxing. This is a great
boxing tip. Play with it -- learn to get to your
opponent in record time.
You get more useful tips for punching, a way to
make your punches 300% more effective, and even advice for
working through punching problems -- when you are having
difficulties countering effective techniques.
I am a bit of a book and video-aholic. In over 46 years of martial arts training, I have
collected thousands of books and martial arts videos.
I have a lot of stuff on punching. Speed Punching, power punching, wing chun punching,
kenpo punching.You name it I have a book on it.
Recently, I read Keith Pascal's The Punch Papers.
Now I have one book that has everything that all of the others have and so much more.
This is without a doubt the most comprehensive book that I have ever read on the subject
of punching.
I have used many of its drills and suggestions in my classes.
The Punch Papers are the best that you could ask for and Keith Pascal certainly
has delivered.
-Dr. Larry Sanders
Sijo Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu
Soke Sessen Jutsu Aiki Ju jutsu
The Punch Papers Really Is a Broad Collection of Punching Secrets
In all, you get over 40 'chapters' on punching, spiced with some martial arts
quotes, that will really get you thinking. In just a few minutes,
after a simple download to your computer, you could
be reading everything just mentioned.
The Punch Papers is NOT a complete martial arts system. It is a collection
of articles designed to improve your punches, no matter what style
or system you practice.
Warning: Some of these punches are illegal in competition, but as a martial
artist, you need to know the best ways to defend yourself.
This is an invaluable set of tips. Some of these tips are designed for
beginners -- other tips are for more advanced practitioners.
These are moves for boxers -- moves for martial artists -- the best punching
advice around!
I guarantee your punches will improve ... if you read this eBook!
Order Now and Receive These Valuable eBonuses:
You Won't Find These Punch Bonuses With Any Other Package!
Bonus #1: Taking On a Boxer
No, I am not implying that after reading this 45 page report, everyone will be able to
defeat a quality boxer. Let's be realistic.
You do get over a dozen articles of more great punching tips ... and yes, some of them will
work on seasoned boxers, if you do them correctly.You'll learn sneaky tricks and unfair tactics.
You get specific advice for taking on someone who bob -n- weaves. You even get an
article on what to do against clinchers. Good solid recommendations.
And who knows, maybe you will be able to use your martial arts against a boxer
after all ???
Bonus #2: Punch to the 7th Power!
Let's talk punches -- seven of them. You need to learn about knocking your opponent unconscious
with a single punch.
What's your best chance of stopping your attacker with a power punch? Read article #2.
#3 discusses internal bleeding. Knowledge, I hope you never have to use.
Warning! Use the punches in this bonus at your own risk!
Article #4 is another lesson in being sneaky -- I couldn't resist.
From there we move into a discussion of a few killer shots ... quite literally.
Can you afford to miss out on this eBonus? You decide.
How Much Does This Entire Package Cost?
Believe it or not, I once had someone offer me $200, if I could teach him to
generate huge amounts of power from a short distance.
I also have regular students who pay me hundreds of dollars a year to learn
martial arts, including some of the techniques presented in this book.
Reread the testimonial by Dr. Larry Sanders. Imagine what he had
to pay for his thousands of videos and books on the subject.
$ 69.95 is a very fair price, wouldn't you agree?