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Planning to Succeed

I wish I could tell you that you are going to make a million dollars by referring customers through your link. But I am a very honest fellow -- and that just wouldn't be true.

Some affiliates will make a bundle of cash, while others will just make enough for dinner out once a week. It all depends on how much exposure your link gets. If a ton of martial arts oriented folks click on your link, you'll make money.

So, how are you going to show your affiliate link You have to pick the method you're comfortable with. Here are some ideas to really get you going:



Do You Know About Viral Marketing?

It's really an amazing concept. You give something of value to as many poeple as you can. And then you give them permission to give copies to as many people as they want, who in turn also give away copies and so on, and so on.

What's great about this is that you have your affiliate link in the package. If people like their gift, they will check out your link.

And we have some great offerings to spread virally. We have eBooks to offer. Actually there are three, with a fourth coming very soon. Each eBook has a different flavor.

Of course you are welcome to hand out all three, but ...


My Advice

Start with one eBooklet. Don't offer all three at once. Spread it out, so you can repeatedly offer fresh material. Don't give them all three at once, and then be 'dry' for the future. It's better to offer three gifts separately than one bigger gift, right?


Which eBooklet is right for you?

1) Kick My Tummy: Getting The Most From This Exercise

This is a great exercise for a full martial arts class. Find all the uses of pairing up partners for some round- housing to the stomach. (20 pages)


2) Bodyguard Training: Moving Someone Through a Crowd

Bodyguard training from a martial arts perspective -- learn how to move smoothly through a crowd. Discover ways to defend someone else from all angles. Even get a few tips of what to do if someone from the crowd grabs for your charge. (16 pages)


3) Sell A Lot More Martial Arts Supplies and Books (Off-Line)

7 Very valuable tips on little-known methods for increasing your sales. Do you cater to folks who own martial arts schools or stores? This book offers practical tips that you can immediately use to increase your sales. (17 pages)




Give Free Martial Arts Gifts

Maybe you don't care about making money -- you just want to be able to hand out a free eBooklet or two on the martial arts.

Or you could use one to draw traffic to your site. You could offer it in exchange for an email address. You could just hand it out as a free gift to fellow martial artists. You could give copies to all of your students.

Everyone appreciates a free gift. They'll especially like these eBooklets. They are definitely not 'fluff.'

These are not some excuse for blatant advertising. Each eBooklet offers valuable information. Sure, occasionally I mention one of my books in context, but you don't get a bunch of hard-sell. Just practical exercises and tactics for martial arts and self defense.


As I said, as soon as you e-mail me your new affiliate link, I'll make you a personal copy of the eBooklet of your choice.

At the end of the eBooklet, I'll give credit to you for handing it out. How would you like your credit to read?

"This eBooklet was provided to you by:"

"Joe Shmoe -- Taekwondo Instructor, 2nd Degree Black Belt"

"Sensei Joseph P. Shmoseff"

"Katie's Martial Arts Supply Company"


Evaluation of Viral eBooks

It takes relatively little effort to promote an eBook. You just put a link on your site or in your sig file. Or you offer it to all the martial artists you know as a free gift.

The potential is great. Even though some folks just hand it out in one burst and then let the snowball effect start, I htink it's better to continue your efforts. Maybe you could get several snowballs going.




Article Promotion

Do you think you could find the really big martial arts sites on the Internet? If you can't, I can help.

If you can find the big sites with large ezine lists, then you can make a lot of money. You just need to have them print a short, informative article in their ezine. In the signature file at the end, you direct them through your affiliate link.

In the genre of Interenet marketing, I have seen some of the experts try thisd mehtod. they get someone else to publish their article in an ezine of over 100,000 subscribers. They get a response of one to three percent, if their pitch is good and their product is high quality.

That's 1,000 to 3,000 sales from one marketing effort. That would be over a $10,000 referral fee. Wow.

Now, I have no idea if that kind of marketing effort can be done in the martial arts field. That's why your here.

But even if you can only find smaller lists, all you have to do is mail to a bunch of them, and you'll see combined results.

If you need article ideas or actual articles, just contact me. I'll help.

This marketing method takes more effort than the viral eBook, but the results can be greater too. And you can see results almost immediately.



An Article or Two on Your Site

If you are timid about approaching other martial arts sites, then maybe you'd like to try posting an article or three on your own site. Do you get a lot of traffic? Will you list your article with the Search Engines?

If you get a lot of traffic you, might see some results.

Personally, I have more luck by getting an article posted on someone else's e-zine. You should try both, and tell me which is more effective.




Posting to Discussion Groups

Are you respected on one or more martial arts discussion groups? If so, then start posting -- be sure to have your affiliate link with a small ad in your sig. file.

Always lurk first. Get a feeling of what's being posted, before you jump in. Stay silent for awhile. Then, when you are comfortable that you could add to the discussion, jump in.

If you want to make money with your affiliate link, then I recommend that you join and bookmark several targeted lists.

Note: I mistakenly assume that you'll be posting to martial arts lists. Those are great, but don't forget lists of those wanting to teach, say women's self defense. What about promoting the Wrist Locks eBook to Law Enforcement Fora (Discussion Groups)?

Go to your lists daily, or have digested messages sent to you regularly. Then, post on a regular basis. Track your results.

You won't be able to sell from your sig file ad. You just want to entice them enough to get the other readers to click. You can either send them through your affiliate link directly to the Kerwin Benson Publishing Site, or you can send to your own sales message first.

Then have the link on your sales message take them to the Kerwin Benson Publishing Site.

You could even direct them to send you an email straight from your sig file. You reply with an email that contains your sales letter.

If you know how to usae auto-responders, then this process could become completely automatic.




Do You Need More Marketing Ideas?

If you want to aggrssively market, I have even more marketing ideas. I'd be happy to share them with you, once you get going.

Or would you rather a soft-sell approach? Click here to learn about passive ways to earn a few extra bucks.


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