Why Do So Many Martial Artists Check
Their eMail on Tuesdays?
You wouldn't believe how many martial artists have emailed to say
that they eagerly await each issue of the free martial arts ezine,
Martial Arts Mastery: A Tell-All of Tips, Tactics, and Techniques.
There are now thousands of subscribers to this free martial arts newsletter.
Not only do you receive at least three practical martial arts articles
each week, but you also gain access to the entire Martial Arts Free Report
Section at www.kerwinbenson.com. Regular site visitors only have access
to ten free articles, but as a subscriber to Martial Arts Mastery, you get
access to all of the posted martial arts articles.
Would You Like to Know What Else You'll Receive?
In addition to the three (plus) weekly articles on practical martial arts
techniques and tactics, you'll also receive:
A Free eBooklet -- Bodyguard Training: Moving
Someone Through a Crowd
A Few sample issues of Martial Arts Mastery, one
of the most heralded and sought after martial arts
ezines on the Internet
Some sample martial arts tips, sent to you a few
days after you sign up. These tips are so valuable, they
also appear with other martial arts tips in paid martial arts
ebooks that I sell.
A Free download of The Premiere 'Best of' Issue of
Martial Arts Mastery
Special pre-publication offers on my latest martial arts
ebooks. Martial Arts Mastery readers hear about my
latest martial arts ebooks before the general public.
Often, you can get downloads for a special discounted
price. Subscribers know these offers really are limited,
special deals -- I don't flood the newsletter with advertisements.
Secret martial arts free report access link
Plus -- other free articles and reports in our important link section
Click here, to join now.
(Or send a blank e-mail to subscribe@kerwinbenson.com)
Over 5,000 martial arts ebook downloads from one site alone
Did you know that the martial arts ebooklet Bodyguard training: Moving
Someone Through a Crowd has been downloaded over 5,000 times from
just one site alone?
Imagine you were at a concert, and it has just finished. The band has just
left the stage.
Now, you have to negotiate your way through the crowd -- an audience of
over 53,000 people.
You have heard of individuals getting crushed under the weight of the masses
pushing out of the auditorium.
Not to worry -- you are a martial artist. You can handle yourself ... you think.
But could you move someone else safely through the crowd?
A retired parent? A child? A friend on crutches?
Not only does Bodyguard Training teach you how to move someone else safely
through a crowd, but you learn to move quickly, safely, and efficiently.
You'll 'book' through crowds like never before.
This is ebooklet is yours Free, when you join Martial Arts Mastery.
Click here, to join now.
(Or send a blank e-mail to subscribe@kerwinbenson.com)
Is This a Text-Only ezine or a Full-Color Magazine?
This is a text-only newsletter, delivered to your email box every Tuesday.

But, from time to time, I will take a few of the articles that need a few photos
for explanation, add a few new, never-before-seen articles, and put out a
completely illustrated 'Best of' Issue.
I may have to charge for these issues in the future. For now, you get a free
download of this ebook magazine.

You get download instructions in the important link of your first current
issue of martial Arts Mastery.
Is There Really A Secret Access URL?
You bet!
Once a month, I publish a secret URL (link) to a special free martial arts reports
page. Visitors to the Kerwin Benson Publishing site can only view ten of the
martial arts articles.
As a subscriber to Martial Arts Mastery, you get access to all of the posted free
martial arts reports.
This link changes every month. And I only publish the new link in one of
the newsletter issues.
Stay subscribed and read these extra new martial arts articles every month.
Click here, to join now.
(Or send a blank e-mail to subscribe@kerwinbenson.com)
"Martial Arts Newsletter Has Worldwide Appeal"Martial Arts
Mastery: A Tell-All of Tips, Tactics, and Techniques is a weekly martial
arts ezine. This is a free martial arts newsletter. Here are a few testimonials. Hold down
(right click?) on the name for the complete quote....
Click here, to join now.
(Or send a blank e-mail to subscribe@kerwinbenson.com)
What Style Does Martial Arts Mastery Represent?
This newsletter values all styles of martial arts. This is not a style-specific ezine.
If I had to pin down one prevailing thought, it's that I try to stay faithful to
the principles of Bruce Lee, but it's not a jkd only newsletter.
We do cover some progressive philosophies. And sometimes this challenges
martial artists who have fossilized their thinking. Of course, open-minded
practitioners love our thought provoking articles.
Many classical martial artists incorporate the principles found in Martial Arts
Mastery into their own training.
All you need is an open mind.
So, What's the Catch?
Usually, when something sounds to good to be true ....
Well, this is the real deal:
100% Free -- always
We respect your privacy -- your email address will never
be sold or traded
You won't receive a bunch of ads in your mailbox --
we hate SPAM too!
You can unsubscribe at any time. It's easy; just send
a blank email to our unsubscribe address or click on
the unsibscribe link found at the bottom of each issue
of Martial Arts Mastery.
Click here, to join now.
(Or send a blank e-mail to subscribe@kerwinbenson.com)
Can I be honest with you?
I am a full-time martial arts author, selling martial arts eBooks for a living.
I try to write in a pleasing, entertaining and informative style. And so
far, the best way to give folks a sample of my writing style is
through my articles.
Many Martial Arts Mastery readers appreciate reading these martial
arts articles each week. And they realize that these articles are only the
gravy. The real meat can be found in my eBooks.
In other words, if you like the ezine, you'll love my eBooks.
So I publish a weekly martial arts newsletter. I send out the newsletter
and orders for my eBooks come in. As long as sales continue, so will
the free ezine.
It really is a win-win situation. You get free articles and I get more sales.
Why Don't You Archive Past Issues?
Some of the more practical martial arts articles do appear in the Free
Martial Arts Report Section of Kerwin Benson.
Other articles never see the light of day again. Another reason I publish
this ezine is for the reader feedback. You immediately tell me what
you like and what you don't.
Some of the best reports and articles get rewritten, expanded, and
combined into all new eBooks and eBooklets.
For example, I took 25+ articles and reports about punching. I rewrote
them, added 15 new chapters, and made the eBook
The Punch Papers.
It's most likely the most popular punching book on the Internet righ
t now. Why? Because I knew how powerful some of the articles
were from valuable comments made by my subscribers.
(This excellent feedback is one of the reasons I reward the subscribers
with special pre-release offers.)
One of The Best Reasons to Join Now
I can't emphasize this enough -- these past issues are not archived.
Don't email me requesting past issues.
If you want to read these articles before anyone else, you need to
be subscribed to this Free ezine.
Once the next issue is sent, the previous issue vanishes -- forever.
Don't take a chance that one day you might find a particular article
published on a web site, or might find it in a paid eBook. Join now.
Do you still have questions about Martial Arts mastery: A Tell-All of
Tips, Tactics, and Techniques?
Click here, to join now.
(Or send a blank e-mail to subscribe@kerwinbenson.com)
Feel free to email me:

Free Weekly ezine
Martial Arts Mastery!
A Tell-All of Tips, Tactics, and